Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea: and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass: he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23
The bible is telling us that anything is possible as long as we think correctly and believe it to be so! This concept can be very difficult to grasp especially if one is subject to doubt based on religious undertones of any kind! Having said that, there is scientific evidence that shows that thoughts are tangible and do affect not only our body but our outer world as well.
Lets start with information found in a book by Eldon Taylor called Choices and Illusions. The author concludes in one section that our “nonlocal mind is interacting in a holographic universe via principles of mind, including thought and belief, and thereby co-creating what most call reality.” He goes on to quote Lynn McTaggart from her book The Intention Experiment as saying “thought is a tangible thing with the power to affect the physical world!” These experiments like many others are showing that as people meditate, pray, and/or focus intention they are able to influence the physical world. For more information on this you can visit the website http://www.intentionexperiment.com/ .
There have been many scientific experiments that have proven that prayer can affect the physical world, all one has to do is Google this and there are many articles to read. On Oprah’s Soul Series for the week the guest was Dr.Larry Dossey the author of Healing Words. In the interview, this medical doctor shares how he became interested in the subject and describes scientific experiments that have proven that prayer works! You can view the entire interview for free at http://www.oprah.com/article/spirit/inspiration/pkgoprahssoulserieswebcast/20080721_oaf_oss_ldossey.
What is prayer? Is it more than a thought? This answer may be different for everyone but to me prayer is just focused thought! I believe that by now everyone has heard of the water experiments but if not here is one that you should read about – simply put thoughts change water! Look for yourself - http://www.whatthebleep.com/crystals/
The time is now to take the time to pay attention to your thoughts! As a general rule we are the hardest on ourselves! Take the time to change your thinking and be kind to yourself and others. See for yourself if this works. Take one thought and replace it for a week with a positive one. See if there is a difference! I said the following affirmation daily (most days more than once) and saw change in a short period of time:
Divine Order takes charge of my life today and everyday. All things work together for good for me today. This is a new and wonderful day for me. There will never be another day like this one. I am divinely guided all day long, and whatever I do will prosper. Divine love surrounds me, enfolds me, and enwraps me, and I go forth in peace.
Whenever my attention wanders away from that which is good and constructive, I will immediately bring it back to the contemplation of that which is lovely and of good report. I am a spiritual and mental magnet attracting to myself all things that bless and prosper me. I am going to be a wonderful success in all of my undertakings today. I am definitely going to be happy all day long.
By Joseph Murphy, Ph.D, DD – From the book The Power of your Subconscious Mind.
Wishing you happiness and peace – I love you!
Tina Brown, you are awsome. I love this site and am so very happy to see you share your love and inspiration with the world. I know it is your dream and your calling from Spirit to do so. You have such a warm and loving nature that is a great blessing to all of us. I am one you have always touched deeply and I am very proud to be your friend. All is Good. Love, Billie
Truly inspirational blog. Keep up the good work!
Before long, you'll have enough material for an inspirational e-book! Keep it in mind!
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